Make Ways Foundation.

In 2011, Kat’s world changed forever.
But firstly, let’s rewind a few years, when her Aunty adopted three beautiful children from Africa, including twin boys from Sierra Leone.
This family connection inspired Kat to make her way over to their little country in West Africa – initially for “6 weeks”. Three and a half years later – after different volunteer projects, epic journeys across the country and beyond, Kat began working as a Teacher in the capital city of Freetown.
Kat was eventually required to leave Sierra Leone, while the Ebola Virus tore through the country. But Sierra Leone never left her! She has since been back to visit many times and recently formed and registered a charity in both Australia and Sierra Leone to continue a legacy she had started.
The Sierra Leone Marathon.
It was early morning on May 26th 2013. The mist was rising over the mountains, and a group of people were huddled nervously on the start line of the Sierra Leone Marathon in the rural city of Makeni. Kat was amongst those individuals – getting ready to run her first ever marathon. She had also managed to raise the funds to have 25 children and carers from three different orphanages there with her too, competing in every event from the 5km up to the full marathon (42.2km).
This original expedition was the beginning of something special. Since the first year, Kat has been instrumental in continuing to support this group of young people to attend the biggest running event in the country. And now they represent their team – Make Ways Foundation – with pride and happiness.

Created Connections = Make Ways
(translated into Sierra Leone Krio)
Make Ways Foundation is a registered charity that seeks to enhance the health and wellbeing of young people across the globe. By bringing communities together in meaningful, sustainable ways, they aim to provide opportunities in education, employment, health and wellbeing, and personal development.
Make Ways Foundation have been busy collecting pre-loved sports gear to send to Sierra Leone. Once it arrives in the country, these donations will:
• Establish a locally owned, preloved sporting goods store in Sierra Leone
• Provide ongoing employment for young adults
• Offer the local community access to donated, high quality sport shoes, clothing and equipment that would otherwise be unavailable.
Just being part of the Created Connections community, you are supporting Make Ways Foundation in multiple ways. This includes: through purchasing a 5 or 10-class pass, attending a monthly online Yoga and Meditation session, or joining a sunset or sunrise yoga with our friends at GC30 Main Beach or GC50 Run Festival.